MAY 2023
Prayer Requests
- The Protege Ministry remains our top priority and prayer request. We have another training event scheduled in August and we will need to cancel it if it is not fully funded by July 15th. The total cost is about $4,800.
- We would like to continue to pray about getting a bulk order of Bibles to distribute.
- We would appreciate prayer for our daughter Gracie as she gets established with a new neurologist in NY during our time there. The doctor that she has had from the beginning of this journey is retiring.
- Our fulough-ito (Little Furlough) is coming up fast. Please pray for our endurance and intentionality of work and rest as we navigate a very full calendar.
- Please pray for the Protege Travel Team as they prepare for an evangelistic outreach event in July when we are up north.
We have a week of family camp at Word of Life scheduled and our entire family is REALLY looking forward to this time! We are so grateful for this time.
Praise the Lord for the opportunity Rachel had to travel to Alaska and visit Christiana, Wesley and Talitha. It was a wonderful trip.
- The Protege training event in May was a huge success. There were 22 churches that attended and over 130 pastors and students. We had 7 different trainers that taught through Conflict Resolution. Many of the pastors were excited to be able to use this material in their churches. There was an abundance of testimony given by the young adults as they gained wisdom about this very important topic.
- The Protege Travel Team has taken off! John Michael is working with 4 young adults from 2 different churches to prepare them to help in an event in July when we are home on furlough. We are so excited about this part of the ministry!
"Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Matthew 6:10
Recent Newsletters
MARCH 2023
Prayer Requests
- There is a great need for funding for the Protege Ministry. There is an event coming up in May that will cost close to $4,000. Students will be learning about Conflict Resolution, a fantastic resource in everyone’s life. We have about $100 raised for this event. We are moving forward with planning and praying for the Lord’s blessing.
- We have been praying about getting a bulk order of Bibles to distribute. There are so many young adults that do not have Bibles and we are praying that we would be able to give every student that is working with Protege a Bible. This is a large project and most likely somewhere in the ball park of $15,000 to $25,000. We have to order at least 2,000 to get the lowest price. We are continuing to get the details together.
- Pray for our Spanish language learning. At times we feel like we have come so far and yet there are times of great discouragement.
- Pray for us as we prepare for a short furlough in late June to the first of August. We will have a jam packed schedule. Pray specifically that the Lord would bring us together with those that He would have to support the Protege Ministry.
Three students will be getting baptized in one of the churches next month. We are so encouraged by the faithfulness of the national pastors and leaders.
Praise the Lord for the safe birth of our 6th grandchild. Christiana was born to Wesley and Talitha in Alaska. We are so grateful for the Lord’s provision! Rachel is really praying about an opportunity to go visit. Flights are not what they used to be and the prices are crazy!
- Chad traveled to Somoto/Matagalpa on a two-day trip to visit with 5 pastors up in that region. One of the churches has doubled the size of their teen group. It was a fantastic 2 days of hearing how God is working through Protege in this region.
- Praise the Lord for First Baptist Church of South Otselic, NY, that joined our church support team.
Prayer Requests
- Travel is opening up and we are praying for Mission Teams to come and help with the ministry of Protege. Pray that we can be well prepared to invite teams down.
- National Leadership to come alongside Protege. We have 1 paid staff and 1 volunteer but the need continues to grow.
- Finances of Protege, the ministry is growing, we have several churches that want the resources and training provided through this ministry. With that, comes a financial increase for bibles, discipleship books and conference costs.
- Pray that our new website and Mission Team Information will be finished and ready to launch by the end of this month.
Our Protege event at the end of February went well considering some obstacles we had to overcome. God’s Word was taught and leadership training with a focus on relationships and Finances (Personal & Business related) was well received.
Our family had a rough go with our health at the end of last year. We are grateful that all of us have recovered and seem to be doing well
Prayer Requests
- February 24th & 25th Protege Training Event
Please pray for the prep work, for the funds needed to host it and for the hearts of those that will be coming. - Please pray that we would raise the Funds for our new to us vehicle
- Pray for the successful launch of our New Website, coming soon!
Pray for our families, especially our Moms, as they miss us during the holiday seasons!
Plans to reach into areas in the Northern Region of Nicaragua with material and outreach events. We will be traveling multiple times, 4 hours north, in the next month, to scope out locations in which to host events and to visit the 6 churches who just joined Protege